In my opinion, the most important tax benefit a pastor gets is the housing allowance. Below, you will find a selection of videos, blog posts, and policies/procedures/forms to help you take full advantage of this fantastic benefit.
For complete information about the housing allowance, along with a strategy for how to maximize its benefits, pick up a copy of:
For Pastors
How much can a pastor designate as being housing allowance?
BrokePastor Mailbag - Does a pastor have to include his housing allowance when he is applying for health insurance through one of the Obamacare exchanges?
In this video, Stacy reaches into the BrokePastor Mailbag to answer a question from a pastor in Georgia who wants to know if he can still receive a housing allowance even though he lives in a parsonage.
What types of expenses count as genuine Housing Allowance expenses?
To download a free copy of any of the policies, procedures, or forms below, simply enter your name and email address next to the item you wish to download and click submit.